Your Ultimate Guide To Kings Day 2024

Amsterdam takes it to the next level with King's Day – a party that takes over the whole city! Imagine a sea of orange, live gigs, and a vibe that's undeniably infectious; King's Day is a party you need to get involved with! Here's your handy guide to jump into King’s Day this year.

1. Gear Up

Every year on April 27th, Amsterdam goes full-on orange to celebrate King Willem-Alexander's birthday. Get ready to join the wave; deck yourself out in the brightest orange gear you can find!

2. Let the Party Begin (Early!)

Kick things off on the 26th of April with King's Night. Hit the city's clubs and bars, and soak in the vibe as the city gears up for King's Day. You might even stumble upon a street party or two.

3. The Iconic Vrijmarkt (Free Market)

King's Day turns Amsterdam into one huge flea market. Grab a bargain, discover quirky crafts, and enjoy the buzzing atmosphere as you wander from stall to stall. The street markets kick off at 06:00 and go until 20:00.

4. Hit the Water

Experience King's Day like a true Amsterdammer by hopping onto a canal cruise or joining a boat parade. Soak in the city's beauty, dance to lively tunes, and join the floating party.

5. Streets Alive with Music

With live music echoing from every corner, the city turns into one massive concert. Follow the beats, join the impromptu dance parties, and immerse yourself in the King's Day spirit.

6. Park Chillouts

Take a break from the city's hustle and bustle and head to a park like Vondelpark or Westerpark. Chill with the locals, enjoy open-air concerts, and soak in the good vibes.

7. Party Central at Dam Square

For the ultimate King's Day experience, head to Dam Square. It's one massive open-air party with live music, food stalls, and a sea of orange.

Local hot tips for King’s Day 2024:

  • Outfit hunting: Don't worry if you haven't gone all-out in orange yet. The vrijmarkt stalls are the perfect place to amp up your look with hats, wigs, feather boas, necklaces, and novelty glasses. Plus, there's always the chance to get your face painted by eager kids!

  • Boat spotting: A prime location to see the King's Day boats take over the canals is the intersection of Prinsengracht and Amstelveld!

  • Staying fed: If you're a sweet-lover, it ain't King's Day until you've had a bite of the local dessert - tompouce. It's a delicious sweet pastry, filled with cream that'll be smeared all over your face before you even know it. They even jazz it up with orange icing just for King's Day.

On one of the most country’s most iconic celebrations, everyone is invited to get involved. In the streets, canals, parks and everywhere in between, the city is bursting with a sea of orange as Amsterdammers enjoy the biggest street party of the year. Happy Kongingsdag!


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